Hi guyz...Yawn.....ouch...writing a new entry like almost after a century and that too I stiffle a yawn right in the begining......I am sorry.....sorry for what......sorry for logging in after a very long time and creating a lazy atmosphere right in the first few sentences.....but am up at 4:04am in the morning.......somebody just asked me '...how'z deli (sorry! that is the chat language so you see all the words are misspelled)'. My reply '.....deli is still the same in terms of electricity management ...no light in the middle of nite or shud I say early morning but Mother Nature has decided to shower her blessing, there is a kool wind blowing'. Yes guys...up in the early lights of dawn not because I am an early riser but because I don't have an ambient temperature to sleep. Anyhting new has happened???????? Yes I think I have plenty to count...the greatest disaster being my boss' term of deanship coming to an end.....now that he has plenty of time he thinks it is his moral duty to grind us (in a way its good cause work picking up pace but we are not allowed to breathe now without giving him an account of each breath we take. Chuckle!). My younger brother Akshay (I think am introducing him for the first time.....well he's an eligible bachelor...so all you girls wink! wink!) has finally become a civil engineer and joined his job (comes from the mouth of his oh so proud! sister). I have joined power yoga classes in a bid to increase my stamina to keep up pace with the kind of output my boss wants.........Gracias!!!!!! Delhi's management decides to gimme some relief.....Hurrah! the electricity is back but since I have started I might as well finish my post. I have my class (yoga) tomorrow morning. Well I jsst managed to squeeze in a short vacation or I should put it in this way because my labmates decided to have a short trip to Dehradun-Mussorie-Haridwar I managed to have my vacation. Mussorie was awesome with its cool temperature and great scenic beauty...well that's the usual blah blah about any hillstation. One of our mates managed to cook up ghost stories of the hill....and no matter how hard I tried I just didn't feel the chill. Maybe I should have walked the lonely streets of the hillstation....oh! a secret out one of the days while walking back to our hotel we lost our way and till 12:00am at night we were combing the streets of Mussorie trying to figure out which turn did we take wrong :-P. And of course 2 drunkurds decided to cross our paths and one of my collegue had a panic attack..I kept wondering to try and calm my collegue or to keep an eye on those drunkurds.....I must say I have too much confidence in myself....I kept thinking with me around no one can even dare to come near us (hey ! see my biceps popping up), Anyway nothing happened. Haridwar was a totally different experience for me -the temperature was as high and humid as Delhi but experiencing the aarti (a small prayer service) at the ghat (river bank) of Ganga was great. You can of course check out the pictures if you are on my fb account (for people new to fbing, fb is facebook- a social networking site). Speaking about fb let me tell you an interesting incident...this is how tech savvy we've become.....even though separated by thousands of kms my bro and me don't forget to fight.......we were having a heated arguement on fb.......the heat was so high that my mom had to log in to act as referee and cool us off. Chuckle! So thanks to fb I can participate in all the small famiy matters now. I haven't been to any salsa social evening in quite sometime now (of course switching over to my favourite topic -SALSA). I miss it :-(...Hey sir get back your car soon). In salsa classes we've been doing a lot of dips and lifts...poor guys they have terrible bodyaches at the end of the class lifting the girls. I think one or two of them have even started hitting the gym ;-). That's all for now..yawn! I have my yoga class tomorrow hope I make it...and of course I donot promise but I will try to be regular with my posts .....my eyes are drooping so am signing off.....
at the ghat
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