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Mirror mirror on the wall!!!!!!!!!!

'Mirror mirror on the wall who is fairest of them all?' Well this is a line straight from the story Snow White and seven dwarfs. But this line holds an importance in the life of every female. The last minute checking yourself in the mirror 'Is my dress looking fine, I hope I am not looking fat'. It is the quest of every girl to make her mirror speak '........ but you are fairest of them all.' Why do all the dresses in the trial room make my figure look picture perfect but as soon as I bring them home make me look fat??????????????????? Hmmm is it the mirror in my room which is become toooo old to not give a very clear image of me............. I would love to believe it. The other day Swati and myself were hunting the kamala nagar (hot spot for shopping on campus) when , while moving out of one of the boutique she shrieked '........ eeks it is misleading'. I looked around wondering what in the whole world has brought about this remark only to be encountered by my picture perfect image. Of course! it was the mirror which made my figure look wonderful. I was escatic only to be brought to ground reality by her remark '........ it is misleading'. The shopkeepers are true businessmen. They harp on the weakness of the customers. In this case it is the notion of the females to loose weight. They secretly whisper into the ears of mirror makers ....we want mirrors that makes i.e. a bit of curvature in the mirror. So either I don't be fooled by the mirrors in the dressing room and carry on with my workouts or buy a new mirror so that I don't go into depression everytime I buy a new dress.........


  1. WOW...... you think a lot !!
    Be what you are.........not what others want you to be :-)


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