'.... but pappu can't dance saala' No ..... not that I can't dance Yes! yes! I can but it seems my sir must be singing this tune.... Ooops sorry, long gap once again. Actually not much has been happening in my life off lately. Well work place is such a disaster. Just when my work seemed to have been picking up pace, just when I thought am drowning in my work Prick! the bubbles of my dream are broken. I have to once again stall my work of course because my lab is undergoing construction. Well, well I as usual did crib about it. But my years of cribbing have taught me that it is not fruitful.... if time converted in terms of money then I must have wasted millions of $ down my tears and grumbling. But this time I decided to walk on a different path. NOT WASTE MY TIME. I decided to pursue my passion for dance. Well I have joined the salsa classes at the nearest dance academy. Salsa!!! what do I say about it. The word itself speaks volume. The sensuous, hot dancing style. Well I seem to be pouring ice cold water on the dance by doing exactly opposite to what has been taught. well not actually my fault being absolutely new to the batch I don't seem to be keeping pace with my class. Last class my instructor nearly killed me for breaking the rhythm of the class. But then he is not heartless (thank Gawd for that!!!!). He gave me extra training after the class. As a result I was dancing while standing in the line to draw money from ATM. I would have merrily been dancing had I not noticed the guy on the bike staring at me. I kept on dancing before I went off to sleep, I was half asleep in the morning brushing my teeth, but my legs didnot break the rhythm. My collegues have refused to walk with me if I don't stop it. Whew!!!!!!!!! I hope am better for the class on Sunday and while dancing with the guy don't step on his toe Eeks. Well today there was also the Fresher's party in the department where I discarded my salsa steps and danced to the tune of bollywood. '.......Dhan te nan te na nan, aaja aaja dil nichode'. So till then Goodnight!
It is good to note that you have chalked out a fresh, new set of activities for yourself. much better is the fact that you are keeping ppl informed about your life. Good job!