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Hey guys!!!!!!!!

This is me........ don't give me that puzzled look. Its me........Aeshna.............ok! ok! I get it. Since I have been out of the blogging arena for quite some don't seem to register my name. Just try taxing your brain once again... a bit harder!! yes yes see you do remember....oh yeah its the same old Aeshna but with a new face........No! no! don't get scared. I haven't undergone plastic surgery or have got any eye, ear, nose, lip job done. Neither have I gone in for any Botox shot (phew! your imagination runs really wild). Its just that three bloody years my white teeth were caged behind the ugly wires of braces. Ha! ha! well atleast during my post graduation years that I spent as a nerd it was hardly a botheration. My time was spent behind my books rather than in front of mirror. Now the doc said your teeth are fine and you no longer need them. When I did see myself in the mirror it felt strange. No there wasn't a transformation like Cindrella....I haven't become BEAUTIFUL or anything, just that my teeth look neat and I have a wireless smile. Heeeeeee, heeeeeee, actually this is what I am presently doing to show off my uncaged teeth. About the other things in life- the post graduate students have their semester end exams n then a month long break, ha and the same for me, a month long break frommy teaching assignments. Yipppeeeee! But my research is going through a very bad phase. I don't think I should fill you in with details but I just have this month's time to work hard day and night and damn this problem had to creep up. I have also watched a few movies. Dil bole haddippa (enjoyed with a lot of hooting), ajab prem ki gazab kahani (awful! to all those people who loved the movie I beg to differ), Kurban (intense acting though no story at all). I want to watch 2012 (anyone who has the movie please pass it on to me), Christmas carol (the Colin Firth one, my cousin really enjoyed it so any1 interested can contact me) and of course if I get company then De Dana Dan. I am a movie buff but haven't come across any other so I hardly ever get company for movie. And of course my killing schedule leaves me time only on Sundays or 9-12 movie shows. Oh I did go to this cafe near IIT Delhi- Cafe Qawah. Great ambience! Well none of my friends have time from their killing schedule so haven't met them in a long time. Oof too much killing. Of course my salsa classes! the only sunshine of my Sundays. They are going great....... We have started dancing on that number from the movie Shabd..... sholon si sholon si sultrous Aishwarya in Black sarree... Now now don't let your imagination run wild..... we are just casually dressed.... dancing away to the beat of the song ;- ). ............... thats all for now. Please do remember me when I sign in again....................Bye for now.


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