Helllllllllooooooooo everybodyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMeerrrryyyyyyy Chhhristmassss hic hic! okay sorry! I haven't yet recovered from last night's party. Badddddd hangover. Moral of the story- who cares drink as much as you want ;-). Well christmas is just over and new year is round the corner. Well I as usual didn't do much for this festive day except managed to keep myself awake and smsed my friends (or so called friends who donot have the courtesy to even return your wishes) MERRY CHRISTMAS Okay I just came to know through my cousin who is in UK that you donot wish merry christmas but HAPPY CHRISTMAS because merry means '...... yeah enjoying, partying, dancing' but it may not be the case for everyone. not everyone is partying or there may be a not so merry situation in someone's family. Shit man and I all this time thought that people who wish 'Happy Christmas ' have got their English wrong. My apologies to all of them.
Well speaking about people there are two kinds of people that I have observed - one who are straightforward, the same inside out and the other are sugarcoated bastards. Just like too much of sugar in tea makes it taste awful similarly the prolonged presence of these people in your life leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. An example 'Hulloooo Tina it is such a pleasure to see you. You look so pretty today. The day just seems to be doing wonders for you muah muah...........#$%*#*%$# blah! blah!' and they will not even wait till Tina is round the corner to start with their bitching 'That bitch Tina! did you see her dress, her skin. She seems to have just walked out of her bed'. Okay that was a very girly common and simplest of the examples that I could put across. I would not go into details especially in professional terms. But sorry I almost missed the in mysterious genre of people. I know a few people who till date keep me guessing what they think about me or what do they want from me. '........... did he/she like the gift.............. is he/she angry with me...... what does he/she think about me'. Whew really keeps me on toes with a puzzled mind.
Too much of sugar and too much of confusion. What about some spice!! 3 idiots not a movie to be missed. It puts across a simple sermon of life 'never fear to do what you want to do and do it before you regret not doing it'.................. bhaiya aaallll is well'
SO well see you in the new year
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