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Showing posts from 2010

Cry cry kaiko cry!!!!!!

'......cry cry kaiko cry.....' of lately am humming this song a just isn't unfolding itself like I would want it to. Hardwork may just not reap results no not always..........Have been waiting so long for that bell to ring just that piece of cake which would sweeten up my life a bit.....maybe a magic wand which would maybe for just for a few moments lighten up my life...that phonecall for which I have been waiting so long........But life is a mystery and you can keep on wondering why is it happening and yet never come up with an answer to that why. It is a general human tendency to think they carry the burden of the heaviest cross.....they are burdened with all the problems. But just look around you and you will realise you are the blessed one. I keep crying about not getting positive results not being able to manage my life.....and oh! of that phonecall......but Aeshna what about that girl, Sujata who was abandoned by her husband and left to fend for herse...

Raise a toast to life!!!!

Hey.....well it seems to become a regular habit of me to be so irregular with my sorry.......well what should I blame it on...laziness, lack of enthusiasm, or sheer dullness in life. Well I would just vote for all of them :-P. The only thing dominating my life presently is my classes..this semester system (flashback to sometime back when there was a lot of noise of semester system being introduced in the University of Delhi)........yes yes I too am a prey to it...and before you think about the number of b ooks I have to study let me clarify...I am not exactly teaching post graduate teaching assistant.......'The channel of communication between students and professors' (Hush! believe me we are actually still confused about our the Hindi saying goes 'dhobi ke kutte na ghar ke na ghat ke'). We put in more time and efforts than students and profs.......Oh! the hot topic of discussion nowdays '@CWG'. It is titled ...

A new blog

Hi guyz...Yawn.....ouch...writing a new entry like almost after a century and that too I stiffle a yawn right in the begining......I am sorry.....sorry for what......sorry for logging in after a very long time and creating a lazy atmosphere right in the first few sentences.....but am up at 4:04am in the morning.......somebody just asked me ''z deli (sorry! that is the chat language so you see all the words are misspelled)'. My reply '.....deli is still the same in terms of electricity management light in the middle of nite or shud I say early morning but Mother Nature has decided to shower her blessing, there is a kool wind blowing'. Yes guys...up in the early lights of dawn not because I am an early riser but because I don't have an ambient temperature to sleep. Anyhting new has happened???????? Yes I think I have plenty to count...the greatest disaster being my boss' term of deanship coming to an that he has plenty of time he thinks...

.....captured moments......

'.........Aeshna I was just going through your seem to party a lot...', ' Aeshna Ph.D. seems to be suiting you, you seem to be enjoying a lot...' these are the comments that I hear from people around me....and I donot disagree....... have a look at my captured moments, they present the picture of happiness and fun. Life is meant to be lived in moments... the beautiful moments that touch you for just a while and leave their lingering taste in your mouth.....Mmmmmmm........close your eyes and encash those moments. I must say from the time I have started salsaing, I remain happier, it helps me live with the stress. I have the passion to dance, salsa moulds my passion into rhythm; my wild moves into poise. A discipline to channelise my negative energy. Thanks to salsa I have also come across beautiful people who teach me that life can be a pleasure to live. Two years down the lane I still get up in cold sweat wondering what will happen to...

Atithi tum Kab jaaoge

No am not really in the mood to discuss the much talked about yet to release movie *ing Ajay Devgan and Konkana Sen. Just that the first thing I did catch a glimpse of when I got up in the morning was the long tentacles of the brown and black striped body of this 6 or was it 8 legged creep. Now what do you call it in the common man's term............ o yeah cockroach. No! No! sorry to disappoint you guys I didn't shreak or shout my lungs off. You can't really expect that off me. I've grown up literally dissecting these Periplaneta americana. Before you people go mad wondering what is this jargoan I am babbling. Its the scientific name of cockroach. Its another story that I would always end up with pieces of it instead of it instead of its intact organ system. God bless my teachers who had to deal with my dissection. Getting back to my morning ordeal, I found it a fascinating view. The visitor in its shining armor decided to pay me a visit after a very long time.........