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.......and there was light at the end of the tunnel

‘’.......huh...’’ (sigh!).......” Annie.....stop!...” said Naina, “......stop, because its not worth it.....”. “I know Naina, but three years....three years I lived in an illusion and now it is difficult for me to decipher which of this is true....what I had in three years or what I have now”. “Annie seriously....I mean seriously you had no clue......”. “.....I think I did but I guess there was an overpowering sense of denial which was ruling my mind, even though my practical mind told me I was doomed....I was addicted to it.......and as you know (rolling eyes) it is for addicts (wink!)”. For a moment Naina saw the glimpse of her old Annie, her Annie who was so full of life, energy........ geeky, lost, smiling and sometimes happening........but practical Annie who made the right choices, the smart choices.   “Anyway it was great catching know with the job and stuff how it can get.......”, said Annie.  “Anytime sweetheart.....and you know am always there for you......just a phonecall away”, and Naina gave Annie a bear hug. Finally after three years she realised she is not alone in the battle, Amit, Naina, Partho, Uday, Kartik, Sandhya, all of them were with her, however only she could fight her demons.  It were three months now since she had discovered the facts. The first few days were spent in denial, the immediate reaction of an addict, the next few weeks her mind was numb, a situation created by her own mind to protect her, help her to sweep over the pain till the raw wounds started healing. But now that the healing is almost over the wall of numbness was breaking down. Though she was still not ready to face it....she realised there would be no closure. Racking her brains, squinting her eyes she tried to remember a good moment.....ummmm......maybe the first few ...what just days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....I mean she must have been on drugs to have continued to live in the world of hallucination. But she now she was on the path of recovery, fighting to swim aboard , swim away from that world, her mind’s manifestation of ........ Sometimes she just wanted to erase those memories....but erasing the memories would mean erasing the entire procees of her growing up as the humble person she was, the person she had become. As she stepped out of the cafe she saw the dark clouds come in and the pitter patter drops of rain. A smile spread over her face, she extended her hand to let the drops fall on her hand. She had a new life ahead full of love and affection, her family, her friends  and ........(she blushed!). As she opened the umbrella to step into the rain her phone rang ‘Partho calling’. With a laugh she shook her head, but looking back she had only one regret, she couldnot help the person who had enetered the abode of illusion which she had been able to leave.


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