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Showing posts from 2009

AAAlllll is well

Helllllllllooooooooo everybodyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMeerrrryyyyyyy Chhhristmassss hic hic! okay sorry! I haven't yet recovered from last night's party. Badddddd hangover. Moral of the story- who cares drink as much as you want ;-). Well christmas is just over and new year is round the corner. Well I as usual didn't do much for this festive day except managed to keep myself awake and smsed my friends (or so called friends who donot have the courtesy to even return your wishes) MERRY CHRISTMAS Okay I just came to know through my cousin who is in UK that you donot wish merry christmas but HAPPY CHRISTMAS because merry means '...... yeah enjoying, partying, dancing' but it may not be the case for everyone. not everyone is partying or there may be a not so merry situation in someone's family. Shit man and I all this time thought that people who wish 'Happy Christmas ' have got their English wrong. My apologies to all of them. Well speaking about people ther

Slice of pizza

Hmmm the mouth watering Italian cuisine. I simply love it. With the topping of cheese, tomato, onion and capsicum. Shit sorry for slurping but just the thought of it increases the salivary production from my sublingual glands (for the non biological students- it is the salivary gland present at the base of the tongue). I had this strong urge to eat pizza since MONDAY....... and there were some who even said they'd take me out for pizza but.............. So I targeted my collegue whose birthday had just passed. 'Please pizza khila de, khila dena..........' Few of my close friends joined me in this pursuit. Whoops!!!!!!! Poor guy had to give in to our demands. I would start the day with the chant 'Please aaj khila de........' and end it with '.......... tune aaj bhi nahi khilaya'. So finally last evening at 7pm our brigade marched down to Nirula's to satisfy our taste buds. However we were restricted to only 2 regular sized pizza :-(............ since ther

Code Red

Heylo once again!!!!!!!! Not much happened in this short period except there was the griha pravesh puja in my parents' new home. Okay for those people who don't understand, graha pravesh is a kind of prayer service to bless the house. Not much change in my professional front too. Trying to troubleshoot my problem :-(. Hmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! CODE RED. Now what comes in your mind when you hear this............. alert code or the fast telecommunication service available for mass emergency or the computer worm on internet in 2001............... Well code red was the call of the day yesterday....... It was announced that all of us would have to wear red.... The most innovative person would be awarded. ooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!! AWARD. My ears pricked at this wonderful sound.............. Hmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! I started checking my wardrobe. I have no dirth of reds but to be innovative........... I put on a red sweatshirt, below it a red T-shirt, red belt, red heart shaped clips aaaaaaammmmmmmmm...
Hey guys!!!!!!!! This is me........ don't give me that puzzled look. Its me........Aeshna.............ok! ok! I get it. Since I have been out of the blogging arena for quite some don't seem to register my name. Just try taxing your brain once again... a bit harder!! yes yes see you do remember....oh yeah its the same old Aeshna but with a new face........No! no! don't get scared. I haven't undergone plastic surgery or have got any eye, ear, nose, lip job done. Neither have I gone in for any Botox shot (phew! your imagination runs really wild). Its just that three bloody years my white teeth were caged behind the ugly wires of braces. Ha! ha! well atleast during my post graduation years that I spent as a nerd it was hardly a botheration. My time was spent behind my books rather than in front of mirror. Now the doc said your teeth are fine and you no longer need them. When I did see myself in the mirror it felt strange. No there wasn't a tr

The 'F' word

Well haven't written much in these few days for the simple reason nothing much has happened...... just like someone commented in an Indian restruant you get Indian food Phew! what an eye opener.Like I mentioned last time construction still on in my lab so my work is still stalled. Well this is building up my frustration.I will not utter this word'F' (Hey by the way its not fuck but frustration). I will tell you the heights of frustration building up in us. One day I found one of my collegues googling for the 'F' word. Well the only good thing that is happening is I am improving on my salsa. Yesterday in my dance class I slapped my sir some 4-5 times. No PUHLEEZ I didn't slap him with my hands 'cause he misbehaved or so.. its because my hair has grown so long and that every time he made me turn .SLAP............ he'd be slapped with my hair. OUCH! poor he was black blue by the end of his turn with me. 'SORRY SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!'. But my turns are impr

Pappu can't dance saala

'.... but pappu can't dance saala' No ..... not that I can't dance Yes! yes! I can but it seems my sir must be singing this tune.... Ooops sorry, long gap once again. Actually not much has been happening in my life off lately. Well work place is such a disaster. Just when my work seemed to have been picking up pace, just when I thought am drowning in my work Prick! the bubbles of my dream are broken. I have to once again stall my work of course because my lab is undergoing construction. Well, well I as usual did crib about it. But my years of cribbing have taught me that it is not fruitful.... if time converted in terms of money then I must have wasted millions of $ down my tears and grumbling. But this time I decided to walk on a different path. NOT WASTE MY TIME. I decided to pursue my passion for dance. Well I have joined the salsa classes at the nearest dance academy. Salsa!!! what do I say about it. The word itself speaks volume. The sensuous, hot dancing style. We

Mirror mirror on the wall!!!!!!!!!!

'Mirror mirror on the wall who is fairest of them all?' Well this is a line straight from the story Snow White and seven dwarfs. But this line holds an importance in the life of every female. The last minute checking yourself in the mirror 'Is my dress looking fine, I hope I am not looking fat'. It is the quest of every girl to make her mirror speak '........ but you are fairest of them all.' Why do all the dresses in the trial room make my figure look picture perfect but as soon as I bring them home make me look fat??????????????????? Hmmm is it the mirror in my room which is become toooo old to not give a very clear image of me............. I would love to believe it. The other day Swati and myself were hunting the kamala nagar (hot spot for shopping on campus) when , while moving out of one of the boutique she shrieked '........ eeks it is misleading'. I looked around wondering what in the whole world has brought about this remark only to be encounter

Just another holiday??????????, 15th August

Yawn! Another day. Kool it seems it will rain. A welcome change from the scorching heat God has been punishing us all these days with. Get up Aeshna or you won't get any breakfast. Gawd why can't the timings of the breakfast shift to an hour later. Its a damn HOLIDAY!!!!!. I hope someone hears me. Believe me never watch a late night movie especially something like 'HANGOVER'. What a terrible hangover I have. Drag! drag! hopefully I reach the mess and not bang my head against a pillar. ALL THE RESIDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO COME DOWN FOR FLAG HOISTING######## Ouch why do they have to shout on the announcement box. Forget it Who wants to go down for flag hoisting. Its not a compulsion. Anyway I hate getting out of my night dress and godown. While sipping tea I just thought 'Nahi yaar its been long that I have attended flag hoisting '. Ki farak painda. Main kuch bhi pahan ke chali jaaooon. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought 'tie your hair and I think your

Celebrating friendship

This Sunday was the day we decided to celebrate our friendship. We took a wow to do all that we missed during our grad days within a year. Cheers! to the noble wow. Neha came straight from work (night shift) to my hostel. Barely able to open her eyes, Yawn :-o. But I was too excited to let her sleep. We sat down in the canteen and chatted over a cup of Kishan Bhaiya ki famous chai for about an hour. Suddenly I realised the time and thought that Neha should sleep a bit before Sohini storms in and insists that we leave the hostel. Well Sohini as usual was late. So I got time to get out of my night dress. As soon as she was in the hostel off we went to the hotspot of the campus, KAMLA NAGAR. From spending time at CCD, to bargaining with the vendors to get the the best price bargain, we sweated our morning there. Suddenly Sohini had the brainstorm that we should all watch 'Hangover' together. The movie was being screened at the other end of the city, Select Citywalk. We somehow man

Long long time

Hey!!!!!!!!!! once again a long gap! Man I just can't keep up the pace with blogging. Well work being finally decided am a bit mentally relaxed. Oh! no back to the same topic. Work! Am not going to bore myself with work even on my blog. Today we had an interesting discussion. Pooja (my senior) asked us an interesting question. Which moments of your life would you like to re -live but in a different way. Hmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! point to ponder. But Idon't think should waste much of my energy on it. Of course my college life. I lived my grad life like a NERD. Get up in the morning, brush my teeth, have my breakfast and go to the college. Had all my notes intact. With my specs on the brink of my nose was among the toppers. I had terrible dressing sense (now my friends tell me). If give a chance to re live it how would it be.............................................. Get up late in the morning. Shit missed the alarm and the first class. Never mind got plenty of time to dress up for the

My trips

Well its been long since I did write in. Was a bit busy and also upset with my work not picking up pace. Went home this April' 09 especially to attend Nishu's wedding. Man after a long time we chuddy buddies met up. Oooh it was so much fun. Of course Chintu was missed on this occassion. 3 days of getting up getting dressed and rushing to the Shaadi ka ghar and crashing in late. Then all of us trying fit in marriage dance steps on songs.

My life in a glimpse

Hi Hmmmmmmm wat can i say. shit! scratch scratch. Oh forget it. Hi! Aeshna this side. A research scholar. Yuck the very sound of it is so boring but my life has all the bollywood masala. Villian and heroine. Alas still waiting for the hero. I just passd another bday of mine and as usual nothing happening. when will I have a bash Today my sir just is not leaving his room. Groan!I don't feel like working


Hi, Well what can I say................Actually gotta think of a really catchy line to write the opening line of my blog. Hmmmmmm!!!!!! scratch scratch..... just forget it. Hi i am Aeshna, a research scholar at University of Delhi. Yawn! already a fact to cause disinterest. Well no actually my life is pretty colorful with all the bollywood masala- villian, hero and of course the heroine. Well my birthday just passed. As usual din do anything. I wish someone would do something really SPECIAL for me. Today my sir is not leaving the lab. so that means the whole day we'll be bugged for something or the other